
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and then spent most of my 20s in a constant state of experimentation. I've hopped around various mountain towns, cities, and countries and tried a handful of different career paths. A few prominent themes have followed me through the years: a desire for connection (to self, to others, to nature), a love of novelty and spontaneity, a high degree of independence, and a passion for learning. For the specifics, check out my life timeline.

Topics I'm currently interested in:

  • interpersonal relationships, connection, communication, vulnerability
  • life philosophy, meaning, purpose, fulfillment
  • workplace culture
  • systems thinking
  • computer networking, cybersecurity, AI, biotech
  • the effect thoughts and emotions have on physiology (i.e. link between stress and chronic illness, the impact of social connection on health and longevity)
  • outdoor high route navigation, backpacking, packrafting, bikepacking, and other means of long-distance, human-powered travel